Oklahoma born artist and jewelry designer Anthony Pego, who is now based in Bayside, Queens, has been drawing attention of late for his humorous paintings of politicians as cats, complete with feline twists of phrases about their names or recent accomplishments. Meet Governor Andrew Cuomew (NY-D) who is credited with having “Banned human baby soul stealing. Introduced anti ‘hand-under-the-covers game’ legislation that resulted in a pet-wide ‘big-treat industry’ protest that in itself led to the dog running away.”

Then there’s Senator Lucky Schumer (NY-D) of the “Joint Congressional Committee on Napping. Currently fighting against the H.U.M.A.N. to allow bird flight inside the House.” And don’t forget Senator Purrsten Gillibrand (NY-D) who is on the “Subcommittee to Catch the Red Dot,” and “is thought to be a high pawed Presidential candidate, but for when, no one will say.”

According to DNAInfo, Pego started posting excerpts from his “Politicians as Cats,” series earlier this month to celebrate his birthday (“I thought I’d give the good people of the Internet and my friends a gift, instead of begging for shots of whiskey” at a local “beginners and retiree stripper’s strip club that serves a nice burger,” he explained on his website BooScience.com), starting with elected officials from his native Oklahoma. These included James Lankpurr (OK-R) who “thinks being a dog is a choice” and who is “Chairman of the Subcommittee of Ankle Attacks,” as well as Jim ‘Oatmeal’ Incough (OK-R) who is “Chairman of US Senate Committee on Litterboxes and Floor Gaps,” and who claims “Litter box change is a hoax.”

Pego, who primarily makes and sells jewelry on his Etsy shop, has been selecting politicians randomly and then researching different breeds of cats to see which ones are the best fit. All of his paintings are done on a Samsung Galaxy Note using an app and a stylus.