Susan Philipsz poses for pictures with her OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) medal on March 14, 2014. Courtesy of JOHN STILLWELL/AFP/Getty Images.

Tap into your auditory perception and check out the work of 12 sound artists currently changing the way art is understood.

Was Dan Brown right? Leonardo da Vinci expert Mario Taddei finally reveals the true hidden message in the Italian master’s Last Supper.

Keep your eye out for these six US dealers under 40—you can bet you’ll be seeing them everywhere.

Former Metropolitan Museum of Art staffer Sree Sreenivasan is now New York City’s Chief Digital Officer.

Magnus Resch shows off the eponymous app in a promotional video.

The app Magnus has drawn controversy after it emerged that some of the data that powered the app, including art prices and images of artworks, was lifted from existing databases and from individual art galleries.

Scottish artist Peter Doig says he was “threatened” by one of the plaintiffs in an ongoing bitter legal battle regarding the authenticity of a canvas.

Harry Brant, the younger son of mogul and mega-collector Peter Brant, was charged with drug possession, larceny, and resisting arrest after skipping a $28 taxi fare in Greenwich, Connecticut.

Brian Boucher asks if the Zika virus outbreak in Miami will affect attendance at the city’s annual December art fairs.