THE DAILY PIC (#1367): Can it be that something as deeply retro as black-light pictures can find new life and meaning today? I remember them the first time around, in the 1960s, when my big brother’s psychedelic poster for “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” glowed on the wall of our room. And now I got a new, very different dose of them in works by Jacqueline Humphries, painted with glow-in-the-dark paints and currently on view at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh. There’s still a whiff of L.S.D in them, but now it’s Lucy in the Sky with Data: They seem to be about the electronic screens that glow out in the dark all around us. Humphries gives us a glimpse of our addictive digital world, with all content removed and only the buzz left behind. (Courtesy the artist and Greene Naftali, New York; photo by Carnegie Museum of Art)
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