Humza Deas, Old New York. Photo: Humza Deas.
Humza Deas, Old New York. Photo: Humza Deas.

A social media star of the Instagram variety, Humza Deas, is capitalizing on the fame he has won from his perch high above the city, taking snapshots from the tops of skyscrapers and bridges. On his website, prints of four of his most popular Instagram photos are now available for purchase, reports Complex.

By showcasing a side of New York City that remains inaccessible to those of us who aren’t secretly Spider-Man, or possessed of nerves of steel when it comes to heights and illegal trespassing, Deas has captured the imagination of close to 70,000 followers. Now, fans will have the chance to hang records of his adventures on their own walls for the cool price of $250 a print—a bargain, presumably, compared to Richard Prince’s Instagram prints. If you’re interested, don’t wait, as each image is being sold in a limited edition of 25.

Humza Deas, Nine to Five. Photo: Humza Deas.

While it may seem absurd to shell out real money for a print of an iPhone photo overlaid with a preset filter in hopes of attaining social media success, Deas is one of a select view capable of capturing these bird’s eye views. As the daring photographer recently admitted to New York magazine, the risks he takes to get his otherworldly shots are all too real: “I’m 17 and know it’s dangerous. One time, I was lying prone atop the Williamsburg Bridge and started sliding off. I had to grab a beam to stop myself.”

Deas concedes that his exploits are “scary,” but claims “the views are worth it” and takes pride in knowing that “no one else”—until now—”is going to have that photo.” Basically, if you’re not willing to take to scaling the beams of the Queensboro Bridge yourself to capture that perfect shot, perhaps the $250 is worth it. And that way you won’t have to worry about getting arrested (see “NYPD Arrests Teen Who Scaled Tallest Residential Skyscraper for Instagram” and “Judge Punishes Colorado’s Aspen Art Museum Climbers“).


Humza Deas, Vertigo. Photo: Humza Deas.

Humza Deas, Quiet Storm. Photo: Humza Deas.