Doug and Mike Starn, 5,000 Arms to Hold You (2014)
5,000 Arms to Hold You, 2014 Photo: Elie Posner, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

An immense bamboo installation, entitled 5,000 Arms to Hold You created by Doug and Mike Starn is now on view at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. The 52 foot installation is the ninth in the artists’ series Big Bambú, and uses over 10,000 bamboo poles. The installation opens to the public on June 16th.

“The concept of Big Bambú has nothing to do with bamboo,” Mike Starn explains in a statement. “Big Bambú represents the invisible architecture of life and living things. It is the random interdependence of moments, trajectories intersecting, and actions becoming interaction, creating growth and change.” Doug adds,“It is philosophic engineering, a demonstration of chaotic interdependence.”

Doug and Mike Starn, 5,000 Arms to Hold You (2014)
Photo: Elie Posner, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Doug and Mike Starn, 5,000 Arms to Hold You (2014)
Photo: Elie Posner, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Doug and Mike Starn, 5,000 Arms to Hold You (2014)
Photo: Elie Posner, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Doug and Mike Starn, 5,000 Arms to Hold You (2014)
Photo: Elie Posner, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Doug and Mike Starn, 5,000 Arms to Hold You (2014)
Photo: Elie Posner, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Doug and Mike Starn, 5,000 Arms to Hold You (2014)
Photo: Elie Posner, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Doug and Mike Starn, 5,000 Arms to Hold You (2014)
Photo: Elie Posner, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem