The daughter of US President Donald Trump Ivanka Trump and her husband White House senior advisor Jared Kushner. Courtesy of AFP PHOTO/dpa/Bernd Von Jutrczenka /Germany OUT.
The daughter of US President Donald Trump Ivanka Trump and her husband White House senior advisor Jared Kushner. Courtesy of AFP PHOTO/dpa/Bernd Von Jutrczenka /Germany OUT.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have released new financial disclosures, including more than 70 assets “inadvertently omitted” from Kushner’s initial filings. Among them is Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s contemporary art collection, valued somewhere between $5 million and $25 million.

As previously reported by artnet News, Kushner and Ivanka Trump maintain that their art is for “personal enjoyment,” not for investment purposes, for which a disclosure form is not required under federal law. An attorney who helped Kushner and Trump prepare the disclosure documents said the art was included on the updated form out of an abundance of caution, according to CNN.

The collection, which includes artists such as Alex IsraelDan ColenNate Lowman, Alex Da Corte, and David Ostrowski, has featured prominently in Ivanka Trump’s carefully branded social media presence. (Some artists have expressed displeasure in being associated with the couple, with Richard Prince going so far as to disown a piece appropriated from Ivanka Trump’s Instagram account, calling it “fake art.”)

A David Ostrowski painting in Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s apartment. Via Instagram.

According to the Washington Post, the couple controls assets worth at least $139 million, plus at least $66 million in assets connected to Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand, the Trump International Hotel Washington, DC, and other real estate holdings. The disclosure estimates that their collective business holdings and investments could be worth more than $762 million in total.

Since filing his initial disclosure in March, Kushner has updated it no less than 39 times. Ethics experts note that this is not unusual.

The couple’s lawyer, Jamie Gorelick, told the Post that the Office of Government Ethics has certified Kushner’s financial disclosure as being in compliance with federal ethics laws. Ivanka Trump’s financial disclosure, filed in June, is currently under review.

Correction: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Kushner and Trump’s artwork was worth between $2 and $25 million. The story has been updated to reflect the $5–$25 million valuation on the couple’s latest financial disclosures.