Exterior detail of the Kursalon in Vienna where the collecting exhibition Particolare will take place. A travertine exterior with statues along the roofline.
Courtesy of Particolare.

Staged at the opulent 19th-century Kursalon in Vienna, the curated contemporary art salon and collecting exhibition Particolare will debut this September 11 and run through September 15, 2024. Presenting a dynamic selection of artworks set against the backdrop of Kursalon’s classical architecture, the exhibition explores ideas around the nature of time and movement through the work of contemporary artists.

Kursalon, Vienna. Courtesy of Particolare.

Time itself is a broad concept, and the Particolare exhibition addresses the malleability of temporal perception itself—whether mechanical, linear, relative, or quantum. Within the show, visitors will encounter work by American conceptual artist Joseph Kosuth, whose practice engages with time with playful irreverence. And upon entering the Kursalon will confront a mirrored work by Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, wherein the background is inherently always changing, touching upon questions of reality.

Other artists include On Kawara, Erik Bulatov, John Miller, and Angela Bulloch, just to name a few. Each artwork shown marks a specific moment of contemplation tied to contemplation of temporality and experience, but, together, speak to a cultural fabric that’s influence can be felt well outside the exhibition spaces.

Courtesy of Particolare.

Using time and movement as the guiding thread throughout Particolare, visitors have the opportunity to explore a range of creative interpretations of the themes through the lens of both 20th- and 21st- century artists. Staged as an event akin to an art exhibition or an art salon—but decidedly unto a class of its own—Particolare offers audiences and collectors a thoughtful and immersive experience that is an intriguing addition to the September art world calendar, and a new facet to the Viennese art scene. Commissioned by CultTech Association, Particolare heralds the beginning of a series of commissions aimed at providing new approaches to art and culture, one that is human in scale and contributes to greater dialogues around the role the arts can play in contemporary life.

Particolare will take place September 11–15, 2024, Kursalon, Vienna.

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