Davide Balula, Air Drawings of the Guggenheim (2013). Photo courtesy of François Ghebaly.
Davide Balula, Air Drawings of the Guggenheim (2013). Photo courtesy of François Ghebaly.

The artists Davide Balula, Neïl Beloufa, Melik Ohanian, and Zineb Sedira are the nominees for the 2015 edition of the Prix Marcel Duchamp, Artistik Rezo reports.

The shortlist was announced yesterday by the selection committee of the prestigious French art prize, during an event held at the auction house Artcurial, in Paris.

Davide Balula (1978) is a multimedia artist and musician working across a wide range of media, including painting, sculpture, installation, sound, and performance. He is represented by the galleries Frank Elbaz (Paris), François Ghebaly (LA), and Rodolphe Janssen (Brussels).

The career of Neïl Beloufa (1985) has seen a meteoric rise in the last two years, propelled by his striking installations, in which films are projected on custom-made architectural structures and sculptures. Beloufa is represented by the galleries Balice Hertling (Paris) and François Ghebaly (LA).

The oeuvre of Melik Ohanian (1969) is also multidisciplinary, spanning sculpture, film, and sound in works that explore political communities and nature. He is represented by Galerie Chantal Crousel (Paris.)

Zineb Sedira (1963) works across photography and video that question the construction of an identity at the intersection of Eastern and Western culture, blending the political with the emotional. She is represented by Galerie Kamel Mennour (Paris), Plutschow (Zürich), and The Third Line (Dubai.)

The Prix Marchel Duchamp was established in 2000 by the Association for the International Diffusion of French Art (ADIAF) in partnership with the Centre Pompidou, and, since 2005, Fiac. It is awarded to a French artist or artist residing in France representative of his or her generation.

Previous winners of the €35,000 cash prize include Thomas Hirschhorn, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Tatiana Trouvé, Cyprien Gaillard, Mircea Cantor, Daniel Dewar and Grégory Gicquel, Latifa Echakhch, and Julien Prévieux.