Steve Jobs in a nice black turtleneck jumper. Photo courtesy

Get your web apps ready! An online auction of personal items owned by Steve Jobs is currently underway and you could own a trademark black turtleneck jumper owned and worn by the Apple entrepreneur.

The sale “Icons & Idols: Hollywood 2016 Featuring The Collection of Jane Fonda & Harold Lloyd’s Rogues’ Gallery”, taking place at Julien’s Live auction house, contains personal items such as Job’s bathrobe and electric razors at an estimate of $400; an 1980s style cardboard document box, again with an estimate of $400; an IBM sweatshirt at $200-$400 owned by the tech boss; and the aforementioned turtleneck emblazoned with the logo NeXT, the company Jobs founded after leaving Apple.

IBM jumper owned by Jobs. Photo courtesy

The turtleneck, a favored garment of the late Apple boss, has the sentence “1980s: Personal Computing / 1990s: Interpersonal Computing” printed on the back.

The current bid for the iconic jumper is $1,000, but Julien Live hope that it will sell for as much at $3,000 according to their estimate.

Also on sale is a leather jacket Jobs wore in a photograph of him giving an IBM sign “the finger” in 1983, a Versace wallet, a marketing book by Regis McKenna, and some business cards.

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A marketing book owned by Steve Jobs for sale on Julien’s Live. Photo courtesy

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The auction runs until September 23, and we’ll have to wait until then to find out if all these items pre-owned by Jobs will be snapped up by some of the admirers of his work. Given their inevitable tech savvy bent, Luddites should be weary of web tools and bots if they have their hearts set on any of these curious items from tech history.