Anna Yeroshenko’s Paper Architecture

THE DAILY PIC: At Rubber Factory, Anna Yeroshenko's photos are made by shooting folded images of real buildings.

THE DAILY PIC (#1642): These two photos by Boston artist Anna Yeroshenko are from her current show at Rubber Factory, one of the newer galleries on New York’s Lower East Side. To make the works in this series, Yeroshenko folds printed photographs of real buildings into 3D versions of their subjects, then re-photographs those folded prints.

The results get at the ways in which modern architecture mostly starts life on paper. (Compare that to the much more organic ways in which medieval and Greek or Roman structures came to be.)

The photos also capture the very simple, house-of-cards linearity that governs so much of the last 50 years of building, at least among clients who can’t afford the software magic of a Gehry or a Hadid.

And, maybe most importantly, Yeroshenko’s images convey the fact that many of us now consume architecture – at least prestigious, attention-worthy architecture – as image rather than as actual structure. That must be why Yeroshenko’s images seem so utterly easy to enjoy and digest. We barely seem to notice the gap between these photos of folded paper and real photos of real buildings.

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