7 Questions for Robin Rosenberg on Founding—and Expanding—Her Eponymous Art Advisory

Based in Montreal, Robin Rosenberg Fine Art is a full-service art advisory and undergoing an exciting expansion.

Robin Rosenberg. Courtesy of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art.

Based in Montreal, Canada, and with a presence in New York, Toronto, and London, Robin Rosenberg Fine Art has established itself as an invaluable resource for collectors for more than two decades. The full-service art advisory specializes in meeting clients and collectors where they are, from collection ideation to post-purchase logistics—and everything in between. Helmed by Rosenberg herself, the firm has developed wide ranging connections and relationships throughout the art world, which it in turn leverages to support client’s goals and aspirations.

We reached out to Rosenberg to learn more about the experience of establishing and growing her eponymous company, and what her best advice is for collectors at any stage.

View of Robin Rosenberg's collection, featuring work by Mel Bochner, Henry Moore, Donald Sultan, and Sam Francis.

View of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art client collection, featuring work by Mel Bochner, Henry Moore, Donald Sultan, and Sam Francis.

Can you talk us through how your career has evolved, starting as an independent art advisor and now helming your eponymous firm?

In my final year completing my art history degree at McGill University, Montreal, a professor suggested my tenacity, integrity, and keen eye would be well suited to a career as an art advisor. With a mix of courage (and perhaps a touch of naivety) I took the leap and founded Robin Rosenberg Fine Art.

In the early years, I primarily engaged with corporate curators and small businesses. I focused on promoting both emerging and established artists, such as Jack Bush, Yves Gaucher, Jean-Paul Riopelle, Tom Hopkings, and Alex Cameron, among others. This allowed me to form relationships within the industry, build my reputation, and carve out my niche within the art market as an art dealer outside of the gallery space.

Fast forward to today, I am a proud member of the Art Dealers Association of Canada and I have a strong team of five talented employees with whom I collaborate to assist our global collectors in buying and/or selling quality Canadian and international modern and contemporary art.

How would you describe the guiding principles or ethos of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art?

My team and I are dedicated to building long-term relationships and believe that this can only be achieved by adhering to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, integrity, discretion, and above all transparency. Our reputation is of the utmost importance to us, and we pride ourselves on showing our clients works that we truly believe in. We encourage them to be open minded, curious, and to consider the longevity of a piece rather than following market trends.

The Robin Rosenberg Fine Art gallery team, left to right: Robin Rosenberg, Lauren Dobrin Klumak, Émilie Perring (not shown Joanna Whitefield, Samara Prupas, Rachel Moskovitz) in front of artwork by Adolph Gottlieb and Jack Bush in a white living room.

The Robin Rosenberg Fine Art gallery team, left to right: Robin Rosenberg, Lauren Dobrin Klumak, Émilie Perring (not shown Joanna Whitefield, Samara Prupas, Rachel Moskovitz). Courtesy of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art.

Can you tell us a bit about your team? What are some things you look for in the people you want to work with?

I am most fortunate to be blessed with an extraordinary team who routinely goes above and beyond expectations to achieve the company’s client-centered goals. Our small team is highly collaborative and supportive of each other, contributing to a fun, open, and positive work culture. Aside from the usual desirable qualities (“can-do” attitude, good communication and problem-solving skills, integrity, accountability), I look for humility; a desire to constantly be learning, staying abreast of the ever-changing art world. A trained eye that speaks to a variety of tastes and preferences is also an asset. Many art advisors run independent operations, but a second or third opinion is extremely valuable when selecting the very best to present to our clients.

What is a piece of evergreen advice you would give to collectors?

Prioritize quality over quantity, buy what you love, and invest in the best pieces you can afford.

It takes time to develop your personal aesthetic and the best way to do so is to be exposed to as much art as possible. Don’t limit your exploration to local venues, rather, visit galleries and museums during your travels, browse through art books and magazines, and take advantage of the infinite amount of art visible online.

There is great art available within many budgets, and a high price is not necessarily an indication of high value. Mistakes can be costly! A trusted advisor can help you navigate the somewhat opaque nature of the art world and introduce you to amazing artists you may never have known.

View of Robin Rosenberg's collection, featuring work by Jamie Nares. Courtesy of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art.

View of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art client collection, featuring work by Jamie Nares. Courtesy of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art.

Do you collect art yourself? What do you look for or are drawn to?

Yes, my husband and I began our collection shortly after getting married. We try, as much as possible, to acquire one new artwork a year. I am particularly drawn to international, post-war art. Our collection consists of unique works on paper, photography, prints and multiples, as well as a few sculptures, ceramics, and glass works. Some artists include: David Hockney, William Kentridge, Julian Opie, John Baldessari, Louise Nevelson, Michael Loew, Wayne Thiebaud, Mel Munsen, and Tom Wesselmann. With a lifetime of interest, passion, and exposure, I like to think I have developed a keen eye for quality. I feel that when my heartbeat quickens, that’s a sure sign that I’m in front of a masterful work of art.

View of Robin Rosenberg's collection, featuring work by Julian Opie, Yves Gaucher, Patrick Hughes, and Pedro de Movellan. Courtesy of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art.

View of Robin Rosenberg’s collection, featuring work by Julian Opie, Yves Gaucher, Patrick Hughes, and Pedro de Movellan. Courtesy of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art.

Why do you think it is so important for collectors—either new or seasoned—to work with an art advisor?

When working with an art advisor, collectors can take advantage of the advisor’s vast experience as well as global network and reach. Having access to artwork you would not have been able to find on your own is only one aspect, an advisor will also be able to ensure fair price, condition, provenance, authenticity, as well as manage the logistics of getting a work into the country (if necessary), framed, and installed professionally. We have heard one too many horror stories of clients purchasing damaged work or way overpaying for a piece.

We also love to attend art fairs with our clients. For those who have been, you know how overwhelming it can be. Having a professional along with you to help keep your eye on the ball and quickly assess quality is an invaluable help.

View of Robin Rosenberg's collection, featuring work by Vik Muniz. Courtesy of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art.

View of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art client collection, featuring work by Vik Muniz. Courtesy of Robin Rosenberg Fine Art.

What’s on the horizon for Robin Rosenberg Fine Art? Is there any news or forthcoming events you can tell us about?

While we are based in Montreal, Canada, we are fortunate that our client base has grown both nationally and internationally. We are proud to announce our recent expansion to Toronto to meet the growing demand with a local presence.

We have had a busy year with exclusive events for our loyal clients, one of which included a private tour of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts with Chief Curator Mary-Dailey Desmarais and look forward to an upcoming trip to visit the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville. Our team is dedicated to sharing our knowledge and enthusiasm with our clients in order to help them find and enjoy art that speaks to them.

Learn more about Robin Rosenerg Fine Art here.

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