The Armory Show Reveals Its 2017 Curatorial Team

Get ready for a few surprises next year.

Today, the Armory Show announced the appointment of its curatorial team for its 2017 edition. The New York-based art fair recruited Jarrett Gregory, associate curator of contemporary art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and Eric Shiner, director of the Andy Warhol Museum.

Gregory will take the curatorial reins for the Focus section of the fair, showcasing 15-20 solo presentations of some notable contemporary artists. For the first time, the section, the press release states, “will not be restricted by geographical parameters.”

Meanwhile Shiner, who will collaborate with the Armory Fair for a second time after having curated the “Focus” section in 2013, will lead the newly created Platform section dedicated to large-scale artworks, installations, and performances.

Photo: Courtesy of Roberto Chamorro for The Armory Show.

Photo: Courtesy of Roberto Chamorro for the Armory Show.

Under new executive director Benjamin Genocchio (former editor-in-chief of artnet News), the fair has renewed its focus on its curated programs to complement the commercial galleries exhibiting at the fair. The Focus and Platform sections are two examples of how the Armory Show aims to “deep[en] relationships with international curators and collectors,” according to the release.

“We are particularly excited to support this mission by selecting dynamic curators for the Focus section and new Platform initiative,” Genocchio said in a statement. “Jarrett will bring together an exciting group of artists from around the world, making an argument for their importance today. With Platform, Eric will work with artists and galleries to curate projects that are unique in their site-specificity, creating real and compelling dialogues with the industrial environment.”

Without giving too much away, Gregory revealed some of her plans, explaining, “The artists I am considering each convey a sense of urgency toward our own historical moment, and I am interested in addressing complex subject matter within the context of the fair.”

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