THE DAILY PIC (#1355): This photo by Tanya Habjouqa is in a show called “She Who Tells a Story: Women Photographers from Iran and the Arab World”, at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh. One thing I like about it is the way it normalizes a Muslim woman and removes any trace of the exotic from her. She’s just a normal girl who takes pleasure in a scarlet scarf and pink cell phone, the way her counterparts might all over the world.
And because she seems to be taking a selfie, there’s some sense that the girl stands for Habjouqa herself, as the female author of the photo. That is, the very existence of this image proves that Muslim woman can have – or could have, even in the face of repression – a wider range of roles than we in the West often imagine them having. (Copyright Tanya Habjouqa)
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