New London Museum Exhibits Celebrity Feces and Preserved Butts

Viktor Wynd with some of his collectibles

Self-proclaimed artist Viktor Wynd works in the medium of “elaborate subversive social situations” according to his website. His most recent project—a museum complete with jars of assorted celebrities’ poop (it’ll cost you €5 for a sniff), taxidermic oddities, and the works of unknown artists— meets this promise and certainly gives the recipients of artnet News’ List of the world’s 19 Creepiest Museums a serious run for their money, the Daily Beast reports.

If you choose to walk into the basement of the Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosties, Fine Art & Natural History, you will find yourself surrounded by preserved bottoms of Glaswegian prostitutes, happy meal toys, remnants of scallop shells from Fukushima, Japan, medical instruments, ancient Chinese dodo bones, the list goes on. If you’ve ever wondered what Kylie Minogue’s poop or Russell Crowe’s piss smells like (Wynd claims he received Crowe’s pee as a gift ), this is your lucky chance.

Wynd claims the museum’s rather unusual curation (or lack of it) is inspired by the 16th century approach to understanding the world through collecting oddities and visages of exotic cultures in wunderkabinetts with no coherent organization. Wynd explains to the Daily Beast, “People just wanted to collect everything and were interested in the wonders of the world.” He gathered every object in the museum himself, leaving the question of how exactly he was able to fund or endorse such an oddball endeavor. In the spirit of subversive social situations, the museum is also available to rent for dinner parties.

The museum opens today and will run in conjunction with Wynd’s Last Tuesday Society (LTS), which offers its 18,000 members a wide range of oddball and macabre experiences including taxidermy lessons.

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