Penny Liu Appointed Editor in Chief of artnet News China

The journalist is an esteemed figure in media circles in Asia.


Penny (Pinyu) Liu, an experienced and well respected Beijing-based journalist and longtime contemporary art world denizen, has been named editor-in-chief of artnet News China (

artnet News China will be a Chinese version of artnet News, launching in February 2015 with a staff of five based in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong to create original Chinese language content for the local and regional Chinese-speaking audience.

Previously Ms. Liu was chief editor of Harper’s Bazaar Art China, a post she assumed in 2014. Harper’s Bazaar Art China became the strongest sub-magazine of nine regions served by Harper’s Bazaar Art.

Ms. Liu also has a background as an art historian; she acquired her master’s degree in art history and theory at Peking University, Beijing, in 2008. Her master’s thesis was on Chinese abstract artist Li Zhongsheng.

In 2010 she took a position as one of the founding members of Harper’s Bazaar Art China. During her tenure at Harper’s Bazaar Art China, Ms. Liu commissioned interviews with many world-renowned collectors and artists.

Ms. Liu was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and joined artnet News at a time of rapid growth for the dedicated 24-hour art news website, which has a staff of 18 in four countries and receives about 1.5 million visits per month.