Here are the 12 Weirdest Items From the Burt Reynolds Estate Sale, Ranked From Badass to Just Bad

From his sexy, sexy pajamas to props from 'Friends' to some actual (terrifying) art, the sale captures the actor’s ups and downs.

Burt Reynolds at Julien's Auctions. Courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

In the mid-1970s, Burt Reynolds was at the peak of his powers. Coming off star-making turns in flicks like Deliverance and Smokey and the Bandit, and an infamous Cosmopolitan photo shoot that launched the male centerfold, he was one of the biggest celebrities in the world. By the time the actor passed away from a heart attack last year, though, his reputation wasn’t quite as glowing. He was recognized in Hollywood as being grumpy and difficult to work with, and his late-career reel was made up of mostly B- and C-level films.

The man had lived many lives by that point, though. Who knew, for instance, that his role in the straight-to-streaming Art Basel-inspired movie Miami Love Affair was informed by his own past as a painter? Or that he adopted an injured turtle?

A sale of property from the late actor’s estates, which goes live at Juliens Auctions this weekend, reveals the many sides of the man behind the mustache. And like his career, there’s a healthy mix here of badass and just plain bad.

We combed through the 400-page catalog of the Reynolds sale and pulled out our favorite items. See our list below and find out where each object falls on our “badass-to-just bad” spectrum.


Custom-Made Trans-Am Office Desk

Burt Reynold's Trans-Am office desk. Photo courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

Burt Reynold’s Trans-Am office desk. Photo courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: Reynolds’s famous black Trans-Am from Smokey and the Bandit turned into an office desk, complete with his signature on the bottom drawer.

Estimate: $1,000–2,000

Verdict: This is an easy one: Badass, Burt.


 “Unfinished Artworks”

Unfinished artworks by Burt Reynolds. Photo courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

Unfinished artworks by Burt Reynolds. Photo courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: Oh what could have been. If only Burt had completed these “unfinished artworks.” He was clearly on to something. Just look at the expressionistic use of color and sensual detail in the gun. (If the price for the finished works is a little rich for your blood, you can always buy the master’s sketchbooks.)

Estimate: $2,000–3,000

Verdict: Just bad. 


Over-Sized Sock Monkey

Burt Reynold's over-sized sock monkey. Photo courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

Burt Reynold’s over-sized sock monkey. Photo courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: Surely this pedestrian sock monkey must have more going for it than “was once owned by Burt Reynolds,” right? And sure enough, it does: “A classic one but really big!”, the description explains.

Estimate: $200–300

Verdict: Just bad.


Monogrammed Silk Pajamas

Burt Reynold's monogrammed silk pajamas. Photo courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

Burt Reynold’s monogrammed silk pajamas. Photo courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: A set of burgundy-colored silk pajamas with a “BR” monogrammed on the chest in gold Lamé. The “Cosmopolitan Man” even made bedtime sexy.

Estimate: $600–800

Verdict: Badass for sure.


Signed License to Carry Concealed Pistol, Revolver or Other Firearm

Burt Reynold's concealed firearm license. Courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

Burt Reynold’s concealed firearm license. Courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: The Bandit’s very own firearm permit for his Colt Cobra .38. The reason for the license? “Protection against threats.”

Estimate: $2,000–3,000

Verdict: Badass? But in an unsettling kind of way, because—what kind of person would buy this?


Burt Reynolds Oil Portrait

Burt Reynolds oil portrait. Courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

Burt Reynolds oil portrait. Courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: A 64 by 60 inch oil-on-canvas portrait of Reynolds from 1984. While the moodiness of the piece is interesting, Burt also kind of looks like the Thing from Fantastic Four.

Estimate: $800–1,200

Verdict: Just bad.


“Dolly Duck” Painting

Benjamin Britt, <em>Dolly Duck</em>, from the collection of Burt Reynolds. Courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

Benjamin Britt, Dolly Duck, from the collection of Burt Reynolds. Courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: A brazenly topless Disney duck, smoking (possibly post-coitus?), painted by artist Benjamin Britt in 1975. Um…

Estimate: $800–1,200

Verdict: So bad. Come on, Burt. You were better than this.


Cowboy Painting and Photograph

A painting of Burt Reynolds and the photo that inspired it. Courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

A painting of Burt Reynolds and the photo that inspired it. Courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: A truly magnificent oil-on-canvas painting of a shirtless Reynolds horseback riding with an adorable dog. The best part? It’s based on a photo (also included in the lot). He really did this!

Estimate: $3,000–5,000

Verdict: Badass.


A replica of the gold frame from Monica’s apartment door in <em>FRIENDS</em>, plus a 2003 script from the show, from the collection of Burt Reynolds. Photo courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

A replica of the gold frame from Monica’s apartment door in FRIENDS, plus a 2003 script from the show, from the collection of Burt Reynolds. Photo courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: A replica of the gold frame from Monica’s apartment door in FRIENDS, plus a 2003 script from the show. A little weird, sure, especially since Reynolds had nothing to do with the show. But who among us doesn’t have a soft spot for Chandler, Phoebe, et al.?

Estimate: $50–100

Verdict: Fuck it: badass. We get it.


“Funny Wall Hanging”

L.T. Parks, <em>Blue Moon</em>, from the collection of Burt Reynolds. Photo courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

L.T. Parks, Blue Moon, from the collection of Burt Reynolds. Photo courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: A papier-mâché sculpture of an unknown figure mooning onlookers, titled—and this is the hilarious part—“Blue Moon.”

Estimate: $100–200

Verdict: Just bad. Why would anyone own this?



Turtle Adoption Paperwork

Burt Reynold's sea turtle adoption certificate. Courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

Burt Reynold’s sea turtle adoption certificate. Photo courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: Apparently Burt Reynolds adopted an injured sea turtle found on a shore near his Florida home. He named it “Burt Reynolds”!

Estimate: $25–50

Verdict: *Wipes tears away from eyes: Badass. (Though we dock him points for missing the opportunity to call the little guy “Turt Reynolds,” which seems obvious.)


“Unusual Award”

A award for Burt Reynolds featuring his portrait made of pipe cleaners. Photo courtesy of Julien's Auctions.

A award for Burt Reynolds featuring his portrait made of pipe cleaners. Photo courtesy of Julien’s Auctions.

Breakdown: A bust of Burt made entirely from pipe cleaners. It was given to the actor from an unknown organization for being 1981’s “Hero of Young America.” Whatever that means.

Estimate: $500–700

Consensus: On one hand, good for Reynolds for being an ally to “Young America.” On the other hand, the award is… extremely frightening. This one’s a toss-up.

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