Gallery Q & A with Stock in Art

Stock in Art focuses on American and European modern and contemporary artists.

William Wareham, Blowing Hot Air, 2012

Gallery Name: Stock in Art

Name: Alexander Balos

Title: Gallery Founder

Gallery Address:

P.O. Box 957
Shasta, CA 96067

Makeda Hinds: What type of art does your gallery focus on?

Alexander Balos: Stock in Art focuses on American and European Modern Masters, as well as Contemporary living artists who have established themselves as great masters, and whose work I like very much.

MH: How many artists do you represent and how do you select them?

AB: We have eight artists whose work we sell, however we are always evaluating and looking at artworks that appeal to us. We would like to build new relationships with other artists. When selecting artists, I think about whether or not I like the artist and think highly of his or her creations. In addition, I like to know about their work habits and if they are a good investment for art collectors.

MH: Do you have any development plans for your gallery or for a particular artist that you represent?

AB: I want to exhibit my artists to a wider audience. I also want to place my artists’ works within more museum collections. For instance, I think The Portal (2000) by Finley Fryer (American, b.1952) would be a great addition to the Smithsonian Museum. The Portal is an architectural sculpture comprised of 18 individual panels and a supporting light-weight steel substructure. When assembled, it can function as an entrance way or singular monumental sculpture. Illuminated at night, the creation reinvents itself: from the red-hot minarets to the cooler ocean-blue dome, the colors migrate across the structure like a fractured rainbow. The mosaic panels are made from recycled plastic over a light-weight steel armature, with acrylic binders and a clear polyester resin coating. In 2001, The Portal was commissioned by a company as an entrance for their conventions. However, the company did not survive the financial aftermath of September 11, which occurred two days before the work was supposed to be delivered, and eventually The Portal was returned to the artist. The piece went on to become a part of many other installations, from Burning Man (2002) to the world’s largest chandelier at the 2003 Exploratorium. The Portal’s most recent appearance was in 2012, when Fryer had a major retrospective at the Natsoulas Center for the Arts.

The Portal by Finley Fryer

Finley Fryer, The Portal, 2000

Another goal of mine is to raise awareness of a very important American sculptor, William Wareham, whose sculptures and paintings are a great investment for an art collector.

Blowing Hot Air by William Wareham

William Wareham, Blowing Hot Air, 2012

MH: Has the Internet dramatically changed the dynamic of your business?

AB: Yes, the Internet exposes more people to art, and makes it easier for people to collect art without the strain and complexity of travel.

MH: What do you use artnet for?

AB: I use artnet to expose the gallery’s artists to more people who appreciate art.

MH: If you could have dinner with any three artists, living or dead, who would you choose?

AB: I would choose Rembrandt van Rijn (Dutch, 1606–1669), Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (Italian, 1573–1610), and Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881–1973).