Must-See Art Guide: Vienna

This week's guide includes Edgar Degas, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and more.

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Verena Dengler, (exhibition view) (2014). Courtesy of Galerie Meyer Kainer.
Cosima von Bonin, (installation view) (2015). Courtesy of mumok.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Brustbild Marcelle Lender (1985). Courtesy of Kunstforum Wien.
Chto Delat, (installation view). Courtesy of Secession.
Johanna Freise, Installation view. Courtesy of Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman.
Chema Madoz, Untitled. Courtesy of MAM Mario Contemporary Art.
Friedrich Plahl, Zwei Figuren (2007). Courtesy of Galerie Ernst Hilger.
Ivan Bazak, Stillleben. Courtesy of Charim Galerie.
Hubert Lobnig (2011). Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Raum Mit Licht.
Clemens Wolf, Planet of Holes (2013). Courtesy of Galerie Steinek.
Courtesy of Gabriele Senn Galerie.
Adel Abdessemed, Untitled (Soldaten) (2014). Courtesy of Christine König Galerie.
Edgar Degas, Femme après le bain (1895–1898). Courtesy of Albertina Museum.

City of dreams, city of music, Vienna has hosted famous musicians, such as Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, Brahms, and Strauss, among others, and is the birthplace of the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. Capital of Austria, Vienna is home, not only to some of the most beautiful palaces in the world, but also to many avant-garde architectural styles, from Art Nouveau to the Wiener Moderne, and this artistic diversity is matched in every the gallery and museum in the city.

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of his birth, French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec is featured at the the Kunstforum Wien, which is showing the first comprehensive retrospective of his work ever held in Austria. European masters are also highlighted at the Albertina, which is presenting drawings by Edgar Degas, Paul Cézanne, and Georges Seurat, among others, loaned by the Musée d’Orsay. For contemporary art lovers, don’t miss installations by Verena Dengler at the Galerie Meyer Kainer, and the colorful paintings by Johanna Freise at Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman. You have until the end of January to view photographs by Spanish artist Chema Madoz, whose Surrealist black-and-white works are displayed at Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art. If you’re more interested in abstract paintings, be sure to check out the Galerie Ernst Hilger, with artworks by Friedrich Plahl.

As the Austrian writer Karl Kraus once said “The streets of Vienna are paved with culture,” and the city will, without a doubt, satisfy all art aficionados.


Exhibition: Verena Dengler Dengled Up in Blue

When: November 19, 2014–January 16, 2015

Where: Galerie Meyer Kainer, Eschenbachgasse 9, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Cosima von Bonin: Hippies use side door. The year 2014 has lost the plot

When: October 4, 2014–January 18, 2015

Where: mumok, Museumplatz 1, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

When: October 16, 2014–January 25, 2015

Where: Kunstforum Wien, Freyung 8, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Chto Delat: Time Capsule. Artistic Report on Catastrophes and Utopia

When: November 21, 2014–January 25, 2015

Where: Secession, Friedrichstraße 12, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Joanna Freise Proberaum

When: November 15, 2014–January 31, 2015

Where: Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman, Seilerstätte 7, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Chema Madoz: Das Versteckte Antlitz der Dinge

When: December 13, 2014–January 31, 2015

Where: MAM Mario Contemporary Art, Weihburggasse 26, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Friedrich Plahl Gesehene Wirklichkeiten

When: December 16, 2014–January 31, 2015

Where: Galerie Ernst Hilger, Dorotheergasse 5, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Ivan Bazak

When: January 21–February 14, 2015

Where: Charim Galerie, Dorotheergasse 12/1, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Claudia Larcher & Hubert Lobnig

When: January 15–February 28, 2015

Where: Galerie Rautm Mit Licht, Kaiserstraße 32, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Alyce Aycock | Peter Hopkins | Tania Kitchell | Ken Lum | Paul Morrison | Georges Rousse | Michaela Spiegel | Clemens Wolf

When: January 23–March 4, 2015

Where: Galerie Steinek, Eschenbachgasse 4, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Cäcilia Brown, Kerstin von Gabain, Kathi Hofer, Marko Lulic, Barbara Mungenast, Elfie Semotan, Hans Weigand

When: January 16–March 7, 2015

Where: Gabriele Senn Galerie, Schleifmühlgasse 1A, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Adel Abdessemed | Soldaten

When: January 16–March 14, 2015

Where: Christine König Galerie, Schleifmuehlgasse 1A, Vienna, Austria


Exhibition: Degas, Cézanne, Seurat

When: January 30–May 3, 2015

Where: Albertina Museum, Albertina Platz 1, Vienna, Austria