London’s Science Museum to Unveil New Communications Gallery

The Science Museum in London is due to unveil the first permanent gallery dedicated to information technology and communication in the UK, Art Daily has reported. Opening on 25 October, the 2500 square meter space will house over 800 pieces and innovative interactive displays.

The hall will focus around the six networks that changed the world. The electric telegraph, the telephone exchange, radio and television broadcasting, satellite communications, computer networks and mobile communications. The exhibitions will explore how technology has transformed our lives and will explore the lives of those who have transformed technology.

A £6.3 million donation from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and several individual donations have provided the money to realize the project.

Director of the Science Museum, Ian Blatchford said: “As the single largest gallery inside the Science Museum, information age is one of our most ambitious projects ever. Combining our world beating communications and computing collections with the latest digital technology and interactive experiences will reinvigorate the heart of the museum.”