Art World
Conspiracy Theorist Sees Ruined Art on Mars
NASA has strayed from its "publicly publicized mission," he says.
NASA has strayed from its "publicly publicized mission," he says.
Brian Boucher ShareShare This Article
It’s not enough that conspiracy theorists have found “evidence” of laptops in ancient Greek funerary reliefs. Now, an eagle-eyed space enthusiast and UFO watcher say there’s a face on the surface of Mars, and that the Mars Rover damaged it by rolling over it with its tires. Scott C. Waring, of UFO Sightings Daily, argues as much in a new blog post.
Our study of the photographs, however, shows only that the Rover drove right up to the face’s forehead and may not have actually damaged it.
Waring pored over NASA’s photographs from the Curiosity mission and found a face in profile that seems to be about life-size. Does the presence of flowing liquid water on the red planet, announced by NASA last year, support the theory that artists are busy at work sculpting profiles of human faces?
Waring is outraged at the public agency’s seeming disregard for evidence of intelligent and even artistic beings.
“If the statue of Michelangelo was burried (sic) entirely except for his face, would the public walk over it and ignore it?” he asks, suggesting a theory that these faces even have bodies, like the ancient sculptures on Easter Island. “NASA scientists seem to make their own rules as they go, regardless of the unethical standards and the damage they cause to art thousands of years old.” Waring, however, neglects to specify how he dated the work.
This isn’t his only sighting of life on Mars, of course. Waring has found other evidence of alien artwork, including images of aliens’ faces carved on the surfaces of other planets, just like Mount Rushmore. One of them, on Mars, even forms a big old smiley.
“This goes to show,” Waring writes, “that aliens have a sense of humor about life.”