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Artnet News Watercooler Chat: How Can Art Dealers Survive the COVID-19 Crisis?
Join us for a Zoom discussion with Heather Hubbs, director of NADA; Artnet News executive editor Julia Halperin; and market editor Eileen Kinsella.
Join us for a Zoom discussion with Heather Hubbs, director of NADA; Artnet News executive editor Julia Halperin; and market editor Eileen Kinsella.
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A conversation between: Heather Hubbs, Executive Director of the New Art Dealers Alliance; Julia Halperin, Artnet News Executive Editor; and Eileen Kinsella, Artnet News Senior Market Editor
When: Tuesday, April 28 at 4 p.m.–4:45 p.m. EST
Where: Zoom
For the second Artnet News Watercooler Chat, journalists Julia Halperin and Eileen Kinsella will speak with NADA’s Heather Hubbs about the biggest challenges facing art dealers during the current crisis—and how they can arm themselves with the information and resources necessary to tackle it head-on. Expect candid discussions about how realistic it might be for galleries to renegotiate their rent, how US dealers can (and can’t) benefit from the CARES Act, and what inventive strategies art businesses are using to stay afloat. An audience Q&A session will follow the chat. (Please note the time zone for the start time.)
An audience Q&A session will follow the 30-minute chat.
Click below to register, and see you there.
Update, April 29: If you missed the chat, you can view a full recording here.