7 Questions for Gallery Owner Lisa Cooley During Frieze

Cooley answers our slightly-off-topic questions.

Gallery owner Lisa Cooley, whose gallery this year is in Focus—a special section at Frieze for curated projects—answers our sort-of-Frieze-related-sort-of-off-topic questions.

1. What’s your advice on how to best navigate an art fair? 
Wander aimlessly. Take lots of breaks. Drink. Touch antennae with as many people as possible, and above all, do not stress out.

2. How do you celebrate/wind down after the VIP preview? 
Blood transfusions!

3. Can you reveal what work you’re most excited to be bringing to Frieze this year and why?
Excedrin Migraine


Alice Channer, 800-HDL-3, LW60-37, VMA05-11, Cast, Pigmented, Translucent Polyurethane Resin. Image: Courtesy of Lisa Cooley

4. You’re a New York space, what’s your secret NYC restaurant/bar tip? 
I do adore Mr. Fong’s and El Rey in Manhattan. Rucola in Brooklyn functions as my private club. It’s dearly beloved by all its patrons.

5. Which emerging artist do you love at the moment? 
I am still smitten with Ed Atkins! Hannah Black and Kelly Akashi also seem quite fascinating.

6. Which museum show do we need to catch during Frieze Week? 
Nicole Eisenman’s “Al-Ugh-Ories” at the New Museum.

7. Apart from NYC (obviously!) what city would you say has the best art scene at the moment?